Menicure & pedicure

How To Do Manicure And Pedicure At Home


How To Do Manicure And Pedicure At Home Infographic

Nail care is just as important part of beauty regime as your skin and hair care. We were dependant on salon and salon professionals to get our nails on our hand and feet in proper shape. But with this lockdown, we can’t get a manicure and pedicure done professionally as salons are shut. Does that mean we need to let our nails grow out and stay unhealthy? No! We have just what you need. Read on to know how to do Manicure And Pedicure At Home!

Manicure And Pedicure At Home

1. Benefits of Manicure And Pedicure
2. Step One
3. Step Two
4. Step Three
5. Step Four
6. FAQs

Benefits of Manicure And Pedicure

Hands and feet are exposed to various elements on a daily basis: the pollution, dirt and dust, accumulation of products, as also many cleansing agents. Deep cleansing the nails on your fingertips and toes will ensure the pollutants and dead skin cells are removed. The scrubbing and massaging will also help increase the blood circulation in the fingers and toes. Soaking it in water will also help you de-stress.
That said, the steps to doing a manicure and pedicure are similar. You just target different nails in each, and a few steps are added in a pedicure. Here are the deets on how to do Manicure And Pedicure At Home.

Benefits of Manicure And Pedicure At Home

Step One

Manicure And Pedicure At Home: Step One

Set up a place where you will be doing the manicure and pedicure. Spread towel or newspaper on the floor and keep a stool or chair on it. Using a table, keep all the materials you need for the Mani and Pedi ready at hand. Keep a bucket filled with water to use. Keep another bucket filled half with little-more-than-warm water to soak your feet and hands in. Wash your hands and feet thoroughly with a mild soap before you head to your mani-pedi spot. Sanitize your hands and feet with a sanitizer once you’re sitting and ready.

Step TUsing a nail polish remover and cotton balls, remove any previously applied nail polish. Ensure your nails polish free. Soak the feet and hands in the warm water bucket. Keep it soaked for 10 minutes.

Alternatively, you can make a DIY soak for better results. For your manicure soak, take two egg yolks, quarter cup milk and one tablespoon honey. Mix the ingredients in a small bowl and stir it. Soak your fingernails for about 10 minutes. Rinse them well. Calcium from milk and protein from the eggs will make your nails stronger. For pedicure soak, add two tablespoons of warm coconut oil to warm water and soak your feet into this for 10 minutes.

Manicure Scrub To Remove Dead Skin

Use a scrub to remove any dead skin. To make a DIY scrub, add six tablespoons of sugar and a few drops of lemon to nine tablespoons of yoghurt and mix it well. Apply this to your feet and massage them gently for two to three minutes. Rinse off with lukewarm water. Take a similar scrub for hands with two tablespoons of sugar, a few drops of lemon and three tablespoons of yoghurt and repeat process for hands.
Pat your hands and feet dry. Use a nail brush to clean under and around the nails and the nail bed. If you don’t have a nail brush, you can use a soft-bristled, clean toothbrush that has been thoroughly cleaned and sanitized.

Manicure clean the nails

Step Three

You need to ensure you open out the cuticles and help them breathe. Push back the cuticles gently with a cuticle pusher. If you don’t have a cuticle pusher, you can use a soft washcloth for the same. Don’t cut the cuticles as they aid in protecting the nails from bacteria and infections. To keep the cuticles soft and healthy, apply a bit of coconut oil and massage it into the skin around the nails.

Manicure Cut your nails

Cut your nails with a nail cutter to the desired length and shape. Then file your nails with a separate nail file or the one in your nail cutter. Do not to file back and forth as that can cause the nails to weaken, snag or splinter. File nails from one side to the centre and then the other side to the centre.

You then need to buff your nails. This smoothens the surface and removes any yellow stains on the nails. Don’t have a nail buffer? Use a regular paper! Take a piece of clean white paper. Rub it over each nail in circular motions ensuring that you reach the whole nail. Take some almond or olive oil and rub it over the nails to give that smooth, shiny look.

Step Four

Manicure Women Legs Relaxation Beauty

You then need to give your hands and legs a special TLC… massage! Take a good moisturising lotion and apply it on your hands and feet. Massage it into your skin using a circular motion. You can take as much time you want for the massage. Add a drop or two of essential oil to the lotion to boost it up.

Manicure Nail Varnish

With a cotton swab and a tiny bit of nail polish remover, ensure the nails are cleaned off any lotion. Then take the base coat, and apply it properly over all the nails. Once it dries off, take your favourite shade of nail polish and apply it properly. Use a thin layer of polish for proper coverage and fast drying. Once the first layer has dried off, apply the second and let it dry. Once done, apply the topcoat. Perfect nails for your hands and feet are ready!



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